Packing It Up for Storage: 3 Precautions to Take With the Packing Supplies

If you want tips from a lifelong minimalist and reluctant owner of tons of stuff, this blog is for you. Please, explore and enjoy.

Packing It Up for Storage: 3 Precautions to Take With the Packing Supplies

21 August 2015
 Categories: , Blog

When you start to have too many items to be stored at home, it's time to consider renting out a self storage unit. A self storage unit will keep your home free from clutter. Packing everything up to be stored can be rather time-consuming, as you need to verify that everything is properly wrapped and labeled. In addition, you need to be familiar with the type of packing supplies and materials that you need to be cautious of. A lot of previously recommended packing supplies and materials are not as great as claimed.

Avoid Plastic Covers

Although plastic covers are effective in keeping out moisture, dirt, dust and pests, they are not breathable. This means that the plastic covers will hold in moisture. Surprisingly, fabric covers are a much better option, as it can not only keep dirt, dust and insects from reaching the items being covered, but is also breathable. This means that air can properly circulate through the cover. As a result, moisture does not get retained.  

Stay Away from Newspaper Wrappings

To save money, many people wrap fragile items, like dishes or glass tabletops, with newspaper wrappings. The newspaper wrapping prevents the surface of these items from getting scratched, and will also act as cushioning to lessen the effects of any impact that happens during the move. While newspaper is easily available and rather inexpensive, the ink from the newspaper is acidic and can easily damage the items that it is being wrapped around.

To protect your assets, splurge and spend money on wrapping paper instead. It does not contain any chemicals that will damage the items.

Don't Rely on Mothballs or Cedar

Although many Australians are tempted to store their belongings with mothballs or cedar to fend off moths and other small insects, don't rely on them if you can help it. Instead, store everything in airtight, sealed plastic containers. Mothballs contain chemicals like naphthalene or paradichlorobenzene. These chemicals are known irritants that can affect your nervous system, liver and skin.

In addition, although cedar is much more environmentally friendly option, it is still not reliable. Not only does cedar lose potency after a few years, but it can also attract large larvae or adult moths; although, it can be effective in warding off small larvae.


Using the right type of packing supplies and materials is crucial in ensuring that your assets and items are protected. Take the time to learn about the pros and cons of what each type of packing material has to offer in order to make an informed decision. 

For more information on self-storage, contact a company like Bunbury Self Storage.

About Me
Using Storage Strategically to Make Your House Feel Larger

Hi, my name is Kendall and welcome to my blog. I used to be a minimalist, and I still don't own much, but to let my children be true to who they are, I had to back down on my opinions and let them own stuff. However, the clutter drives me crazy. Because of that, I had to learn a bunch of storage tips. I use storage – both hired storage units and storage solutions in my own home – to make things feel more organised. By storing things discretely away, I also make the house feel larger. If you want tips from a lifelong minimalist and reluctant owner of tons of stuff, this blog is for you. Please, explore and enjoy.
